Reviews on emerging and known bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoan pathogens and toxins and diseases associated; BSE, chronic sequelae
Note that most newer Food Safety Reviews require sponsor login.
Discusses the contamination of potatoes with spore-forming pathogens (Clostridium botulinum, C. perfringens, and Bacillus cereus)
Summarizes studies conducted on cereulide in dairy matrices, focusing on the toxin itself or any chemistry of the toxin and with less emphasis on Bacillus cereus growth and toxin production.
The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria in Foods (NACMCF) responds to questions posed by USDA FSIS on enhancing Salmonella control in poultry products.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
A literature review on the isolation of microorganisms from high salt and/or acidic environments (extremophiles/acidophiles/halophiles).
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Discusses the pathogens of concern in raw milk extra hard cheese varieties such as Parmesan, Grana Padano, and similar types
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A review on spoilage microorganisms, spoilage mechanisms in raw and pasteurized milk, and factors associated with spoilage. Includes a list of microbiological spoilage models, highlighting those which focus on dairy and dairy-based data. By FRI science writer Wendy Bedale.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
This review by FRI science writer Wendy Bedale discusses the possible microbiological concerns associated with rice starch.
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FRI associate scientist Kristin Schill moderated an IAFP roundtable discussion on “Opportunities and Challenges: Developments in Clostridium botulinum Challenge Studies” at the 2021 IAFP Annual Meeting. The discussion featured international experts from industry, academia, and government discussing the unique challenges that face food companies who need to conduct C. botulinum challenge studies and highlighted progress in the development of new surrogates for the organism.
This study investigated the effectiveness of cooking processes that incorporated hydrated surface lethality (HSL) steps for ensuring the reduction of Salmonella on the surfaces of small-dimension meat and poultry products cooked using short-duration, high-temperature impingement oven processes. Published in Meat and Muscle Biology.
Chart compiled by Wendy Bedale, FRI Science Writer
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
The purpose of this research is to provide food companies with microbiological profiles of different spices that have been reported previously in the scientific literature. We focused on three key spore-forming bacteria: Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, and Clostridium botulinum. This information may be of use to the food industry when they evaluate potential hazards associated with spices used in their products as part of their Food Safety Plans. View the Excel chart here.
This study investigated the effectiveness of cooking processes that incorporated hydrated-surface lethality steps for ensuring the reduction of Salmonella on the surfaces of meat and poultry products cooked using short-time, high-temperature impingement oven processes.
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In this video, FRI affiliated faculty member JP van Pijkeren discusses how to analyze a Sanger sequencing chromatogram. It is recommended that you watch the Sanger DNA Sequencing video prior to viewing this one.
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developed by Wendy Bedale, FRI Science Writer; Kathy Glass, FRI Associate Director and Distinguished Scientist; and Jeff Sindelar, Dept. Animal Sciences, UW-Madison
In this video, FRI affiliated faculty member JP van Pijkeren discusses how Sanger DNA sequencing works.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
In this video, FRI affiliated faculty member JP van Pijkeren discusses how to use BLAST to find similarities of your sequence (DNA or protein) with sequences in a large database.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
In this video, FRI affiliated faculty member JP van Pijkeren discusses bacterial enumeration by spread plating and spot plating methods.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
by Wendy Bedale, FRI Science Writer; published in Food Protection Trends November/December 2016
by Wendy Bedale, FRI Science Writer; published in Food Protection Trends, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 472-474, Nov 2015
This review summarizes much of the latest information on campylobacteriosis and interventions being used or investigated to reduce contamination of food and water.
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by Wendy Bedale, FRI Science Writer, and Andy Milkowski, Dept. Animal Sciences, UW-Madison; edited by the American Meat Science Association Scientific Information Committee
Pathways for introduction of Listeria into different foods and strategies for preventing contamination and growth in foods are reviewed. Recent data from surveillance studies, outbreak investigations, and economic costs are presented.
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A recent report of presumptive C. botulinum spores in whey protein concentrate (WPC) generated questions about potential risks and strategies for control of spores in dried dairy products. This document was prepared to address Frequently Asked Questions regarding this episode.
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This update to the February 2009 FRI white paper on Salmonella discusses important food and non-food vehicles for outbreaks of salmonellosis during the past five years, routes of infection, interventions, current surveillance reports, and antimicrobial resistance.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
C. difficile, a common cause of diarrhea in healthcare settings, has become more prominent in the community as more virulent strains emerge. This paper reviews data on epidemiology of C. difficile, including the potential for foodborne transmission.
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D-values references list prepared to accompany the FRI interactive webinar: Calculating Thermal Inactivation of Pathogens
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Although H. pylori is a known cause of ulcers and gastric cancer, it resides in the gastrointestinal tract of about half the world's population who are usually asymptomatic. Some other Helicobacter species infect mammals, birds and reptiles. Transmission of H. pylori is not well understood because these bacteria enter a viable but nonculturable state when exposed to stressful conditions outside the body.
Appendix: Earlier review on Helicobacter pylori (1997).
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
Human exposure to cyanobacterial toxins primarily occurs through ingestion of contaminated water or shellfish, with some additional exposure through dietary supplements, other foods, and aerosols from lakes with cyanobacterial blooms. This review addresses recent information on microcystins, β-methylamino-L-alanine, paralytic shellfish toxins, and anatoxin-a.
Appendix: Earlier review on the alga Pfiesteria (1998).
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Methicillin-resistant staphylococci: infections in animals and humans, presence in food, and potential food safety implications
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Human enteric viruses and animal viruses potentially present in foods; outbreaks and effective control methods
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Epidemiology, detection, outbreaks, infection routes, and interventions
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
Food and non-food vehicles of infection for human outbreaks of salmonellosis, surveillance strategies, and industry initiatives to control Salmonella spp.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
Effects of heat, irradiation, and high pressure on avian influenza viruses present in meat and eggs, sanitation methods for environmental decontamination.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
Bacteria, yeasts, and molds causing food spoilage, factors affecting shelf-life of meats, dairy products, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, and juices.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
Epidemiology, outbreaks, infection routes, surveillance, regulations, interventions.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
Update of previous review; prion structure, analytical methods; CWD, BSE, and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
Appendix, earlier BSE briefs: historical review, current issues and strategies for control of transmission spongiform encephalopathies (1996-2002).
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Protozoa, Tapeworms, Anisakis, Trichinella, lung and liver flukes, Ascaris.
Appendix: Earlier review on Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora: Protozoan parasites, waterborne outbreaks, contamination of fresh produce (1996).
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Heat resistance in uncured and cured meats; Efficiency of different cooling processes; Growth inhibitors.
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Strain variation; Invasion and Spread; Host Defenses; Virulence factors.
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RTE products; organic acids, bacteriocins, thermal processes, irradiation, modified atmosphere packaging, high pressure, UV light, Ultrasound.
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Vibrio vulnificus, V. parahaemolyticus; shellfish; wound infections.
import_contacts Food Safety Brief
Food vectors; Guillain-Barre syndrome.
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Pre- and post-harvest approaches to control DON and fumonisins.
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Presence in milk; possible link to Crohn's disease.
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Multiple antibiotic resistance.
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