Awards & Scholarships

William C. Frazier Memorial Lectureship in Food Microbiology

The William C. Frazier Memorial Lectureship in Food Microbiology was established in 1991 to honor Dr. Frazier. Co-sponsored by FRI and the departments of Bacteriology and Food Science, the award is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions in food microbiology. The awardee is invited to present a lecture in conjunction with the FRI Annual Meeting.
2025Jim Dickson, Iowa State University
2024Assessing and managing microbial risk during food transport and delivery
Don Schaffner, Rutgers University
2023Nuts! How a foodborne outbreak serendipitously shaped a career
Linda Harris, UC Davis
2022Troubleshooting spoilage issues in the plant: Use your common sense(s)
Lori Ledenbach, Kraft Heinz
2021Mark Tamplin
2020no award
2019The sensitive scientist: How understanding and validating emotions around food can improve communications effectiveness
Janet Riley, Maple Leaf Foods
2018The Power of Information to Prevent Foodborne Illness
Craig Hedberg, University of Minnesota School of Public Health
2017Foodborne Salmonella in Poultry and Food Production — Research Perspectives
Steve Ricke, University of Arkansas

Unprecedented Challenges in Producing and Serving Safe Foods

Michael P. Doyle, Center for Food Safety, University of Georgia
2015Improving Public Health by Preventing Foodborne Diseases — Past, Present, and Future
Robert V. Tauxe, CDC
2014Food Allergy Research: Look What FRI Started
Steve Taylor, University of Nebraska
2013Food Safety: Creating a Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for Prevention
Jenny Scott, FDA CFSAN
2012Food Safety Eras: Past, Present, and What Is Next!
Gale Prince, SAGE Food Safety Consultants
2011Thirty Years of Foodborne Listeriosis
Martin Wiedmann, Cornell University
2010Stress, Survival, and Virulence of Bacterial Foodborne Pathogens
Robert H. Deibel, Deibel Laboratories
2009Interaction and Collaboration between Government, Industry and Academia to Address Food Safety Concerns
Robert Brackett, Grocery Manufacturers Association
2008no award
2007no award
2006Food Microbiology & the Food Industry: Stage Gate One in a Career Pipeline
Rhona Applebaum, Coca-Cola Company
2005International Developments in Managing Microbial Food Safety
Martin Cole, National Center for Food Safety and Technology
2004Chance and Common Sense
William H. Sperber, Cargill Corporate Food Safety
2003William C. Frazier, A Man for His Time
Edwin M. (Mike) Foster, FRI, Director Emeritus
2002Traditions in Food Microbiology: From Pasteur to Genomics
Todd Klaenhammer, North Carolina State University
Charles Duncan, Hershey Foods Corporation
2000Food Safety Objectives: Concentrating on Disease Reduction
Lester Crawford, Georgetown University
1999Advances in Food Mycology Methodology
Larry Beuchat, University of Georgia
1998Impact of New Packaging and Preservation Technologies on Microorganisms in Foods
Joseph Hotchkiss, Cornell University
1997Food Safety in the 21st Century: To Test or Not to Test? That Is the Question
Francis Busta, University of Minnesota
1996Reform of FDA Food Regulations
Peter Barton Hutt, Covington & Burling
1995Dealing with Uncertainty: The Future of Food Microbiology?
Robert Buchanan, USDA FSIS
1994The Future of Foodborne Disease: Lessons from the Past
Mitchell L. Cohen, CDC
1993Microbiological Food Safety: A European Perspective
Richard J. Gilbert, Public Health Laboratory Service
1992Food Microbiology of the Future: From What We Have Learned in the Past
Douglas Archer, FDA CFSAN

John H. Nelson Undergraduate Research Award

The John H. Nelson Undergraduate Research Award honors Dr. John H. Nelson, Research Program Manager at FRI 1987–1993. The research competition is designed for undergraduates conducting research related to the quality and safety of foods under the guidance of any FRI executive committee member or FRI affiliated faculty. The award winner will present a research poster at the FRI Annual Meeting and receive a plaque and a monetary award.
2024Thermal inactivation of Salmonella in plant-based process cheese as a function of pH and water activity
Calvin Slaughter; Mentor: Kristin Schill and Kathy Glass
2023Conventional and aviary-style housing drive unique feather microbiota diversity and composition in laying hens (Tarcin)

Growth and enterotoxin production of Stapylococcus in model poultry and meat products under anaerobic and aerobic conditions (Soon)

Ashley Tarcin and Yu Xiang Soon; Mentor: Steve Ricke and Cindy Austin
2022no award
2021no award
2020no award
2019The effect of pH and antimicrobials on the growth and survival of Listeria monocytogenes in a high moisture model cheese
Kory Anderson; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2018Control of Listeria monocytogenes in caramel apples with protective cultures
Morgan Brown; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2017Identification of Salmonella enterica genes that influence plant host association
Tyler Engel; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2016Salmonella enterica Suppresses Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Lettuce Root Exudates While Host Genotype Influences Bacterial Growth
Amy Parr; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2015The Effects of Nitrite on Clostridium perfringens Growth during Extended Cooling of Cured Ham
Katie Osterbauer; Mentor: Kathy Glass, Jeff Sindelar
2014Effect of Food Matrix on Thermal Inactivation Rate of Listeria monocytogenes
Dana Billing; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2013Oxidative Stress Observed in Salmonella enterica Grown in Hyperosmotic Conditions
Trace Borchardt; Mentor: Amy Wong
2012Filamentous Salmonella enterica Formed During Osmotic Stress Undergo Changes to Nucleoid Morphology and ATP Generation Over Time
Brad Gietman; Mentor: Charles W. Kaspar
2011Salmonella enterica Genes Required for Survival on Lettuce
Jessica O. Lund; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2010Tomato Plant Characteristics that deter Salmonella Contamination
James N. Luo; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2009Identification of "Function Unknown"" Genes with a Role in the Ability of Salmonella to Survive in Water"
Steven Molinarolo; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2008Remediation of a Nuclear Complex Important for Toxin Production
Elizabeth Chadwick; Mentor: Nancy P. Keller
2007no award
2006A Novel Transcription Factor Family Regulating Sporulation and Mycotoxin Biosynthesis in Aspergillus
Margaret Reuter; Mentor: Jae Hyuk Yu
2005Function of Oxylipins in Fungal Secondary Metabolism and Morphological Development
Meghan Walters; Mentor: Nancy P. Keller
2004A Method to Prevent Egg Production Losses when Protecting Humans from Salmonella enteritis (SE) Transmitted by Eggs
Meghan Schwartz; Mentor: Mark Cook
2003Role of PPO Genes in Aspergillus nidulans
Terri Kowieski; Mentor: Nancy P. Keller
2003The Effect of Fat Type and Level on Clostridium botulinum in Process Cheese Products
Patrick Eimerman; Mentor: Kathy Glass, Eric Johnson
2002Survival of Salmonella on Shredded Cheese
Patrick Eimerman; Mentor: Kathy Glass, Eric Johnson
2001Searching for Genetic Elements in Fungal Growth Signaling Pathway
Sara Rierson; Mentor: Jae Hyuk Yu
2001Antimicrobial Activity of Additives Against Foodborne Pathogens in Media
Staci Eickert; Mentor: Kathy Glass, Eric Johnson
2000The Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid Isomers on Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha
Craig Pisarik; Mentor: Michael W. Pariza
1999Subtyping of Vaginal Isolates of Group B Streptococci by Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis and Serotype
Holley J. Willenberg; Mentor: John B. Luchansky
1999Enhancement of Acid Tolerance by Expression of a Small Basic Peptide
Jeffrey L. Bose; Mentor: Charles W. Kaspar
1998Viability of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Full- and Reduced-fat Pepperoni After Manufacture of Sticks and Baking of Slices on Frozen Pizza
Rachel K. Wierzba, Ann M. Roering, and Anne M. Ihnot; Mentor: John B. Luchansky

John Cerveny Travel Award

This award is in honor and remembrance of Mr. John Cerveny, an extraordinary food microbiologist and friend of many at the Food Research Institute. Considering the career-long commitment of John Cerveny to food safety research, education and outreach, an annual award for travel to the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting is given to a deserving individual who has demonstrated academic excellence and a strong commitment to a career in food microbiology.
2024Gale Prince IAFP Travel Award
Calvin Slaughter; Mentor: Kristin Schill and Kathy Glass
2023Brieana Gregg; Mentor: Sabine Pellett
2023Gale Prince IAFP Travel Award
Elena Olson; Mentor: Steve Ricke
2022Jessica Brown; Mentor: Steve Ricke
2021Jordan Nehls; Mentor: Jeff Sindelar
2020Gina Marcela Gallego-Lopez; Mentor: Laura Knoll
2019Kory Anderson; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2018Jie Yin Lim; Mentor: Kathy Glass

Kikkoman Foods Foundation Scholarship

The Kikkoman Foods Foundation Scholarship honors the service of Dr. Foster to Kikkoman Corporation. The scholarship is awarded annually by FRI to a deserving undergraduate student who has demonstrated academic excellence and a strong commitment to a career in food microbiology, with an emphasis on students who have participated in research.
2024no award
2023Stevie Ward; Mentor: Kathy Glass and Kristin Schill
2022Melissa Bohn and Brooke Bowe; Mentor: Kathy Glass/Kristin Schill and Sabine Pellett
2021Yinuo Jin; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2020McKenna Mahnke; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2019Kory Anderson and Christie Cheng; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2018Jonathan Sogin; Mentor: Barb Ingham
2017Megan Wagner; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2016Julia Martien and Amy Parr; Mentor: Jae-Hyuk Yu and Jeri Barak
2015Emily Merry
2014Joshua Lensmire

Dr. E Michael and Winona Foster Wisconsin Distinguished Fellowship Award

The Dr. E Michael and Winona Foster Wisconsin Distinguished Fellowship Award is a graduate research competition. Graduate students receiving this fellowship will receive support for one year, including tuition remission and $1,500 in flexible funding.
2024no award
2023no award
2022no award
2021no award
2020Carolina Mendoza Cavazos; Mentor: Laura Knoll
2019Nandhitha Venkatesh; Mentor: Nancy Keller
2018Will Olson; Mentor: Laura Knoll
2017Ahmad Alshannaq; Mentor: Jae-Hyuk Yu
2016Eliot Stanton; Mentor: Chuck Kaspar
2015Kymberleigh Romano; Mentor: Federico Rey
2014Kenneth Brandenburg
2013Amanda M. King
2012Jose Pablo Soto-Arias
2011Keith Poulsen
2010Heesoo Park
2009Lori Neal

Schreiber Foods Scholarship

This scholarship is the result of a generous donation by Schreiber Foods to honor Dr. Vincent Zehren of Schreiber Foods and in memory of Dr. Edwin (Mike) Foster of the University of Wisconsin Food Research Institute. The scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving graduate student who has demonstrated academic excellence and a strong commitment to a career in food microbiology and/or food safety.
2024Justin Eagan; Mentor: Nancy Keller
2023Megan Dixon; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2022Dasol Choi; Mentor: Jae-Hyuk Yu
2021Andrew Steinberger; Mentor: Garret Suen
2020Harrison Moon; Mentor: Jae-Hyuk Yu
2019Sarah Engstrom; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2018Sarah Engstrom; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2017Will Olson; Mentor: Laura Knoll
2016Wan Mei Leong; Mentor: Barbara Ingham
2015Joseph Spraker

Food Research Institute Graduate Research Award

This research competition is designed for graduate students conducting research related to the quality and safety of foods under the guidance of any FRI executive committee member or FRI affiliated faculty. The award winner will present a research poster at the FRI Annual Meeting and receive a plaque and a monetary award.
2024Sponsored by Sargento Foods
Qualitative and quantitative Salmonella biomapping of commercial pork harvest facilities

Jessica Brown; Mentor: Steve Ricke
2023Effects of competitive inhibition between C. botulinum Group I and II strains commonly used in food challenge studies
Brieana Gregg; Mentor: Sabine Pellett
2022Entamoeba spp. as a model organism for the study of oral Entamoeba infection in Swiss Webster mice
Carolina Mendoza Cavazos and Marienela Heredia; Mentor: Laura Knoll
2021no award
2020no award
2019Antibiotic use on Wisconsin dairy farms
Andrew Steinberger; Mentor: Garret Suen
2018Characterization of a novel botulinum neurotoxin and its potential for pharmaceutical use
Molly Moritz; Mentor: Eric Johnson; This year's award sponsored by Promega
2017Effects of Eimeria spp. infection on intestinal interleukin-10 production in broilers
Maria Arendt; Mentor: Mark Cook; This year's award sponsored by Promega
2016Thermal Inactivation of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in Beef Patties, Chicken Patties, Chicken Tenders, and High-Fat Frankfurters
Russ McMinn; Mentor: Jeff Sindelar, Kathy Glass; This year's award sponsored by Promega
2015Microbial metabolism modulates the nutritional value of food: From health benefit to host detriment
Kymberleigh Romano; Mentor: Federico Rey; This year's award sponsored by Promega

Robert H. and Carol L. Deibel Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in Food Safety Research

This fellowship supports graduate students pursuing food-safety-related research in the laboratories of faculty who are part of the executive committee or affiliated faculty of the Food Research Institute.
2024Billy Erazo; Mentor: Laura Knoll
2023Eddy Cruz (declined due to alternate funding); Mentor: Johanna Elfenbein
2022Megan Dixon; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2021Harrison Moon; Mentor: Jae-Hyuk Yu
2020Vicky Lason; Mentor: Jeri Barak
2019Sarah Engstrom; Mentor: Kathy Glass
2018Dianiris Luciano-Rosario; Mentor: Nancy Keller

Robert H. and Carol L. Deibel Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in Probiotic Research

This fellowship supports graduate students pursuing research on probiotics or starter cultures in the laboratories of UW-Madison faculty.
2024Mark Heggen; Mentor: JP van Pijkeren
2023Evan Chrisler; Mentor: Vanessa Leone
2022Marienela Heredia; Mentor: Laura Knoll
2021Shenwei Zhang; Mentor: JP van Pijkeren
2020Shenwei Zhang; Mentor: JP van Pijkeren
2019Evan Hutchison; Mentor: Federico Rey
2018Mustafa Özçam; Mentor: JP van Pijkeren