FRI year in review; The latest food safety news and literature
link Full ArticleCongratulations to former FRI director Chuck Czuprynski, who received the Wisconsin Association for Food Protection (WAFP) Leadership Award. Chuck is pictured receiving the award from Lindsey O'Brien, WAFP president and former member of the FRI Applied Food Safety Lab.
link Full ArticleFRI executive committee member Laura Knoll received the 2022 William Trager Award from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in recognition of her groundbreaking research in basic parasitology.
link Full ArticleFRI affiliate Steve Ricke recently received a Career Achievement alumni award from the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
link Full ArticleFRESH seminars start Sept. 13; The latest FRI and UW news and events
link Full ArticleCongratulations to longtime friend of FRI, Jenny Scott, who will receive the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award.
With her breadth of knowledge and expertise, Jenny Scott has devoted her entire career to the advancement of safe food production and the development of programs that address the complex safety and public health issues facing all facets of the food industry. Her four-decade long career in academia, industry, and government service give her unique perspectives and strengths in promoting dialogue and consensus among industry, academia, NGOs, and intra- and inter-governmental agencies. Scott earned her master’s degree through the UW-Madison Dept. of Bacteriology and then spent the next five years at FRI, where she contributed to groundbreaking studies on the control of pathogens and other food safety hazards.
The award will be presented at the CALS Honorary Recognition Banquet on Thursday, Oct. 13, in Union South. For more information and to register for the event, visit
link Full ArticleVisit FRI scientists at IAFP 2022; The latest FRI and UW news and events
link Full ArticleFRI scientists to present at IAFP; The latest FRI and UW news and events
link Full ArticleFRI scientists will be presenting their research at IAFP’s annual meeting in August, as highlighted in the table at the link below.
link Full ArticleThe Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH) and FRI co-hosted a symposium on Sept. 27–30, 2021. The meeting focused on environmental controls used in food manufacturing facilities. This article covering the meeting, written by FRI science writer Wendy Bedale, was published in the July/August 2022 issue of Food Protection Trends.
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